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Gender-Conscious Community Design

작성자 사진: 성원 김성원 김

최종 수정일: 2024년 1월 11일

Gender-Conscious Community Design -Case Study for women-friendly special district(WFSD) in the City of Sejong, Korea-

  • August 2019

  • Conference: 2019 ICAPPS international Conference Asia-Pacific Planning Societies: Peace, Prosperity, & Planning

  • At: Seoul

  • Abstract and Figures Gender mainstreaming in urban planning has become increasingly important in the context of global urbanization and ageing. The notion that women representing socially weak groups play pivotal roles in positive transformation of urban space in terms of revitalization is widely accepted these days. The sensitivity to women's differentiated experience of city and daily needs in urban environment calls for special attention in the context that professionals in the related field are dominated by males and that gender equity is hard to achieve. The case study of women-friendly special district(WFSD) in the City of Sejong, Korea, will cover the principles for the district such as "fragmentary volume", "low rise", "mixed use", "natural surveillance", "overlapped function" and "compact TOD(Transit-Oriented Development)", and a comprehensive urban design process. Based on carefully developed strategies for gender-conscious community design such as "safety", "accessibility", "convenience", and "amenity" in terms of guidelines for district unit plan, post-occupancy site visit will elucidate detailed issues of gender-conscious design in the scale of neighborhood. Through the built and occupied reality after a neighborhood is formed, the gap between the ideal and reality can be clarified to address the issues to be explored to transform the city in a more gender-sensitive direction and to change the paradigm for gender mainstreaming.


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