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2024년 1월 11일1분 분량
Post-occupancy evaluation of urban public housing in Korea
Post-occupancy evaluation of urban public housing in Korea: Focus on experience of elderly females in the ageing society June, 2018...
조회수 12회
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2023년 9월 15일1분 분량
Factors of Sustainable Development for Cities and Neighborhoods
Factors of Sustainable Development for Cities and Neighborhoods through the Frame of Social Sustainability -Focusing on the Analysis of...
조회수 12회
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2023년 9월 15일1분 분량
A Study on the Direction of Design Improvement in Complex Facilities of New Town Elementary School
A Study on the Direction of Design Improvement in Complex Facilities of New Town Elementary School - With focus on POE of Community...
조회수 5회
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2023년 9월 15일2분 분량
Transformation of Elementary Schools in Aging Societies
Transformation of Elementary Schools in Aging Societies: Case Study of Dutch Schools from the Perspectives of Students, Teachers, and...
조회수 7회
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2023년 9월 14일2분 분량
A Study on the Revitalization of Senior Community in the Aged Society
A Study on the Revitalization of Senior Community in the Aged Society -Focused on Analysis of Senior's use of Senior Culture Center in...
조회수 7회
댓글 0개
2023년 9월 14일1분 분량
Post-Occupancy Evaluation of Senior Shared Housing for Single Elderly Households
Post-Occupancy Evaluation of Senior Shared Housing for Single Elderly Households - With Focus on the Experience of Female Elderly...
조회수 6회
댓글 0개
2023년 9월 14일1분 분량
A Study on Students' Adaptation to Changes in Their Learning Environments at School
A Study on Students' Adaptation to Changes in Their Learning Environments at School -Focused on Students' Experience of Transition to the...
조회수 7회
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2023년 9월 14일1분 분량
Gender-Conscious Community Design
Gender-Conscious Community Design -Case Study for women-friendly special district(WFSD) in the City of Sejong, Korea- August 2019...
조회수 6회
댓글 0개
2023년 9월 14일1분 분량
Integration of Sustainability into Architectural Education at Accredited Korean Universities
June 2017 Sustainability 9(11) DOI:10.3390/su9071121 License CC BY 4.0 Authors: Sun-Young Rieh (University of Seoul) Byungyun Lee...
조회수 7회
댓글 0개
2023년 9월 14일1분 분량
A Study on the Universal Design in Elementary School Facilities
A Study on the Universal Design in Elementary School Facilities - Focused on Analysis of Design Guidelines - March 2016 The Journal of...
조회수 4회
댓글 0개
2023년 9월 14일1분 분량
A Comparative Study on Sustainability in Architectural Education in Asia
A Comparative Study on Sustainability in Architectural Education in Asia —With a Focus on Professional Degree Curricula March 2016...
조회수 2회
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2023년 9월 14일2분 분량
Education for Sustainable Architecture in Asian Countries
June 2015 DOI:10.3390/ifou-A002 Conference: 8th Conference of the International Forum on Urbanism (IFoU) Authors: Santiago Porras (Korea...
조회수 2회
댓글 0개
2023년 9월 14일1분 분량
A Study on the Outdoor Space Design for Urban Mini Schools
A Study on the Outdoor Space Design for Urban Mini Schools March 2013 The Journal of Korean Institute of Educational Facilities 20(2)...
조회수 4회
댓글 0개
2023년 9월 14일1분 분량
User Participation: A New Approach to School Design in Korea
User Participation: A New Approach to School Design in Korea January 2011 Authors: Sun-Young Rieh (University of Seoul) Jin-Wook Kim...
조회수 2회
댓글 0개
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